For the Love of Art

The Education Fund’s “For the Love of Art” Charity Auction & 颁奖典礼是一项非常成功的年度活动,突出了视觉艺术在激发儿童创造力和学业成功方面的重要作用.

春季活动通过邀请公众竞标100多件由公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯非凡人才创作的独一无二的艺术品来支持立博中文版公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯学生, and on 100+ luxury items.

All proceeds benefit students in Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

Annually, at this fabulous event, 我们表彰从公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯毕业并取得巨大成功的社区领袖.See what a public school education can do for you!

The Education Fund’s free supplies program has provided more than over $22.4 million in materials to help public school students in our community succeed. 

Join our email list (to join scroll down) to receive your invitation to our 2025 “For the Love of Art” Charity Auction & Honoree Celebration!

For more information about For the Love of Art, please call:
305-298-9099 or email the For the Love of Art Event Director


Public School Alumni Achievement Awards


2024 Event Highlights


As of 5/10/2024*